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The Real Reasons To Stay Away From Marijuana
by John Duff

There seems to be a consensus of agreement about the dangers of cocaine, heroin, and even cigarettes and alcohol, but not marijuana. What are the real dangers with it and how do you handle responses such as; "marijuana is an herb", "it is harmless", "it is used as a medicine", "it's organic", "it makes me feel creative and I write and perform better!".

As a youth during the 1960's I became deeply involved with drugs including marijuana and was arrested numerous times prior to going through the Narconon Drug rehabilitation program in December of 1971. I bought, sold, and smuggled drugs out of the Mexican Border town of Mexicali, Mexico for a number of years.

I once thought that everyone should smoke pot and I thought it was my job to get them to. This is no longer how I feel and now I have the task of trying to change the damage done.

So lets look at what the real dangers are and some of the more frequent responses to them.

What all drugs have in common is that each and every one contain or are a poison. The poison molecule in marijuana is THC. It is the THC that causes the high. What are the problems?

Ambition is the very thing that a person aquires natural highs from. Of all the drugs I used, marijuana sapped my ambition more than any other. In high school my only goal in life became "to find the ultimate bud (bud means: potent cluster of marijuana flowers)" All else became unimportant or secondary.

It has been stated in the past that marijuana effects "short-term memory". It is more than this. Using marijuana as well as other drugs effect concentration, recording (learning) and recalling (remembering).

Individuals who use marijuana are going to have a hard time educating themselves either inside or outside the classroom. The reason is the mind is your computer and it depends on attention, concentration, recording and recalling and memory. Grades and performance usually drop with regular use.

Marijuana, like all recreationally used drugs, changes ones personality. It can make the shy feel outgoing, the weak feel strong, the inhibited feel uninhibited - especially concerning sex. Instead of developing these qualities the addict relies on drugs to produce the illusion that they posses them.

To read more about marijuana click on the links below:

Marijuana Info

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