with a Silent National Emergency
Imagine a nation in which a deadly but treatable
condition is taking its toll on more than five percent of the
population. One that is wreaking havoc with the lives of millions
of men, women, and children, but only 20 percent of the people
who need life saving treatment are receiving it.
Would we help?
That's the situation that prevails in the United
States today. The condition is alcohol and drug addiction.
Men and women in the recovery community cite three
disturbing trends that contribute to this deteriorating situation.
First, there has been a noticeable re-stigmatization of substance
abuse and addiction as the great strides made during the "modern
alcoholism movement" that gathered force through the 1970s have
slowly dissipated. Second, substance abuse and addiction have
moved further and further outside the medical realm as the idea
of addiction as a treatable condition comes under attack. This
is alarming given there is better information than ever before
that addiction is a condition characterized by compulsive drug-seeking
behavior that results from prolonged exposure to drugs. Third,
there is a continuing criminalization of addiction. We are building
more prisons and continue to incarcerate people with alcohol and
substance abuse and addiction problems. In most cases, they receive
no treatment while in prison. When released from prison untreated
they fall back to old behaviorsbehaviors that begin The
Downward Spiral all over again.
All these factors contribute to a tremendous cost
to societyan estimated $294 billion annually.
What can be done about it?
Not long ago, experts in the recovery field at
the Federal, state, and local levels collaborated on an initiative
to develop Changing the Conversation: The National Treatment
Plan Initiative to Improve Substance Abuse Treatment.
The plan recommends a variety of actions to help the Nation meet
the challenges presented by addiction. The guidelines for positive
action in the plan range from closing the serious gap in treatment
capacity, and urging insurers to provide coverage for dependence,
to assuring that an individual needing treatment will be identified,
be assessed, and receive treatment no matter where he or she enters
the realm of servicesincluding the judicial system.
One of the most important guidelines for positive
action in the plan is one that each of us can and should support.
That is the recommendation to Change Attitudes. Each of us can
work to reduce the stigma associated with addiction by first recognizing
it for what it isa treatable condition, one with a model of successful
With that understanding, there is no better time
than during September, National Alcohol and Drug Addiction
Recovery Month (Recovery Month), to raise our voices to
urge our community to make effective treatment available at the
local level for all those in need. Such action is in the spirit
of the 2002 Recovery Month theme:"Join the Voices of Recovery:
A Call to Action." I hope you will join me in taking these
vital first steps toward solving this national emergency.
Narconon of Northern California
Participants, 2002 National Recovery Month
(800) 556-8885
To learn how you can participate in National
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Recovery Month, visit the
Recovery Month Website.