Science of Addiction
There are a number
of differing opinions about the actual mechanics of alcoholism and
drug addiction. Some consider it to be a bio-chemical illness, brought
about by problems with substances called neurotransmitters. Others
consider it to be a mental illness best treated with psychotherapy.
Unfortunately, neither of these schools of thought have produced
a truly effective means of treating the problem. Many patients treated
with anti-depressants or other "psychiatric" type therapies
experience mixed results.
The Narconon program produces spectacular results in removing the
root causes of addiction. One of the cornerstones of our treatment
is the Detoxification program. Drugs such as crack cocaine, heroin,
valium, PCP, amphetamines (crank, crystal, meth, ecstasy, etc.)
alcohol and their residues, including medicinal drugs such as narcotic
painkillers, tranquilizers and sleeping pills, can remain in the
body for years. These residues can trigger a variety of symptoms,
including drug cravings and depression. A vital step in the successful
rehabilitation of substance abuse is flushing out these accumulated
toxic residues so that the person no longer experiences unwanted
adverse effects from
the drugs he has taken. An exact regimen of medically supervised
exercise, periods of time sweating in a dry sauna and nutritional
supplements are used to rid the fatty tissues in the body of these
drug residues.
The results can be spectacular.
Kathlene Kerr, M.D.
acted as Medical consultant to the Narconon program for 15 years.
For the past decade I have studied the results obtained through
the use of a detoxification method developed by L. Ron Hubbard,
utilizing vitamins, sauna baths and exercise, which is a part of
the Narconon program."
"While this detox method is strenuous, it is easily and safely
accomplished, after a medical checkup, when done under standard
supervision by trained personnel. Narconon clients, with histories
of moderate to extremely heavy substance abuse, show a marked improvement
in alertness, clarity of thought and general health by undergoing
this treatment. Most also report a substantial reduction in their
craving for drugs or alcohol."
"Published scientific studies of the technique have shown it
to be successful in reducing the concentration in body tissues of
a variety of toxins and contaminants, and I highly recommend its
continuing use as an effective tool in the treatment of addictions."
Megan Shields, M.D.
is increasingly evident that the accumulation of drug residues and
their lipophilic metabolites in the body plays a role in drug addiction.
Such residues are associated with persistent symptoms and their
mobilization from body stores into blood correlates with drug craving.
A detoxification method developed by L. Ron Hubbard was specifically
targeted at reducing levels of fat-stored chemical residues in the
body and thereby alleviating the long term effects of such compounds.
We were interested in determining whether drugs were eliminated
during this program and, if so, what types of symptom changes occurred
as a consequence.
The concentration of drug metabolites in both sweat and urine was
measured in eight clients who had been actively using drugs prior
to treatment with the Hubbard program. Treatment occurred at the
Narconon drug rehabilitation center in Los Angeles. Cocaine, amphetamine,
and benzodiazepine (valium) metabolites were detected by fluorescent
immunoassai in both sweat and urine of these clients.
Following start of treatment, metabolite concentration increased
in either sweat or urine in five cases. In two cases the level of
drug was below detection prior to treatment but became detectable
while doing the detoxification program. Drugs continued to be eliminated
for up to five weeks. A separate series of 249 clients with a history
of drug abuse rated the severity of their symptoms before and after
treatment with the Hubbard program. Prior to treatment their chief
symptomatic complaints included fatigue, irritability, depression,
intolerance of stress, reduced attention span and decreased mental
acuity These same symptoms were dominant in those who had ceased
active drug abuse over a vear prior to treatment. Following treatment,
both past and current users reported marked improvements in symptoms
with most returning to normal range.
This detoxification program represents a vital innovation in drug
rehabilitation: an approach aimed at a long term reduction of the
predisposition for drug abuse."
from the Abstract of the Presentation by Dr. Megan Shields to
the 123rd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association
©2002 Narconon of Northern California.
All rights reserved. Narconon and the the Narconon logo are trademarks
and service marks owned by the Association for Better Living and
Education International and are used with its permission.