The Narconon Program
are two prominent schools of thought in the area of addiction today.
One side explains the mechanism of addiction by the action of faulty
genetic coding caused by a hereditary disease. The other tells us
that addicts are a product of their environment and that addiction
is a mental health issue, resolvable by drug therapies and psychiatry.
The problem is the majority of those who undergo modern therapeutic
treatment promptly relapse.
appears that clients in most thirty day programs spend 100% of their
time addressing 50% of the problem, yielding mixed results. Narconon
is the first successful treatment center that breaks free from the
nominal success of most prescribed thivrty day and outpatient modalities
of treatment.
With individualized
courses and a unique form of peer therapy Narconon aims to put our
students in charge of their life and in control of their decisions.
The ability to recognize and overcome barriers, the skills to develop
personal integrity and the knowledge to troubleshoot their own road
through life gives the Narconon student a new found sense of life
and the staying power to remain drug and alcohol free.
Look to the
links below to read more about each Phase of the Narconon Residential
©2002 Narconon of Northern California.
All rights reserved. Narconon and the the Narconon logo are trademarks
and service marks owned by the Association for Better Living and
Education International and are used with its permission.