The Downward Spiral
Cycle of Addiction is seemingly never ending. It seems to constrict
this mortal coil relentlessly. It appears to be unstoppable. In
1996 the NHSDA* reported that an estimated 13.0 million Americans
were currently using illicit drugs. It seems to be a problem that
has seeped into every facet of the American culture.
Typically, not one of us intends to
become a drug addict or alcoholic. But, often many of us do. Addicts
do not set out to destroy themselves and everyone and everything
in their path. These things are an effect of the cycle of addiction.
The addict lies to everyone, things start missing
around the house, the dishonesty conveyed is proportionate to the
severity of the addiction, but these things are all apparent to
the person living with an addict in their life. Our experiences
show that the drug addict or alcoholic is usually an intelligent
and most often creative person with much hope for the future, which
only adds to the calamity of their downfall. As the addict slips
down the spiral, their loved ones try to deny the problem exists,
sometimes for years. This is a part of the vicious cycle of addiction.
The person usually enters into this dangerous
affliction because they attempt to compensate for some personal
deficiency or life situation. They are depressed, unhappy or incapable
of dealing with their life situations. It could be as simple as
the rejection of a significant other, the loss of a loved one, or
as complex as a major life crisis. This causes the person to seek
"help" in the form of drugs or alcohol. Thus, the cycle
of addiction begins.
Drugs are essentially a pain-killer.
They avert emotional and physical pain providing the user with a
temporary and illusionary escape from life. When a person is unable
to cope with some aspect of their reality and is introduced to drugs
they feel they have perhaps solved the problem itself.
The more a person uses drugs or alcohol, the
more inflated the problem becomes. More problems are created by
their use. This becomes the center of their focus. Soon enough the
person feels the need to use consistently, and will do anything
to get high.
They are now caught in the cycle. The person
begins to display the physiological symptoms of addiction. They
become difficult to communicate with, withdrawn and begin to exhibit
the strange behaviorism associated with addiction.
The more the person uses to counter
this effect, the larger the burden of his guilt becomes. This results
in a discontented, depressed, and desperate individual.
Their use begins to affect their personal
relationships, their job, their bank account, and anything of previous
value to the addict. Now the person's entire focus becomes centered
on getting, using and getting more drugs, regardless of the cost.
They sacrifice everything to avoid the pain of withdrawal.
Household Survey on Drug Abuse
Ending The Cycle
In addition to our Rehabilitation Services, the staff at Narconon understand that many addicts come into treatment with family and legal issues. We feel one of the best things we can do is to assist
the recovering individual with these problems. This way, when the
student leaves the Narconon program, they can immediately begin
living a "New Life".
We offer students help getting to and from Court appointments and liaison
services for those on parole or probation, including random Urinalysis
screening. For those looking to get released from jail or prison
to our facility we can also coordinate with Attorneys and Judges
to assist with those needs.
for those families dealing with difficult cases that might need
intervention and mediation assistance we have an Intervention Specialist
whom is available Nationwide.
understand the resultant effects of addiction and alcoholism and
are interested in helping at every level of recovery for our clientele.
Please contact
us now. End the Downward Spiral and
find your Way to Happiness Today.
(800) 556-8885
©2002 Narconon of Northern California.
All rights reserved. Narconon and the the Narconon logo are trademarks
and service marks owned by the Association for Better Living and
Education International and are used with its permission.