Phase II
the client first, "learns to learn". Then, furthers
the earlier communication skills learned in the "Phase I
TR's" and goes through "Objective Exercises"
that bring the person into contact with the present and able to
overcome living in the downfalls of their past or fanciful dreams
of the future. These
steps are outlined below:
The Learning Improvement Course
and alcoholics are typically incapable of retaining information
and applying that information to life. This step gives the client
awareness to the barriers of study and a solution in overcoming
them, so that they may retain, comprehend and apply knowledge. During
this step we see clients not only become more able, but also more
to learn.
The Communications and Perceptions Course
is basically falsified to the addict or alcoholic. The addict or
alcoholic tends to fabricate their own reality and when the drugs
wear off they feel their reality has been shattered. To reestablish
the facade they must use again and again, perpetuating the cycle
of addiction. During this step we teach the client to communicate
and perceive their environment as it is. The client learns to be
in control of themselves and the environment and helps them to establish
an upgraded sense of responsibility by working on these (TR's) and
"Objective Exercises" with another client in the
same phase of the program.
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