Narconon Drug Rehabilitation
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Client Testimonials

Freedom is a precious gift. All the technology we are learning here will help us live a free life. The program doesn't work unless it is applied and followed in life. I value myself, my freedom, and my group. I already know that the program works and it has saved my life as I know it has for others.

Narconon Northern California Graduate 2001.

When I began the sauna, I dreaded every minute of it. . . My realization as I went along was that this terrible feeling was going away and I was starting to feel physically much better. My eyes were brighter, clearer, and whiter than I had seen them in 20 years. Mentally, I felt more capable of listening and understanding . . . it felt totally different. Sadness, hapiness and it all came and went with me feeling much better about the experience. I would recommend the sauna to all who are in need. I feel clean, fresh and ready to start learning and experiencing life with a clean mind and body.

Narconon Northern California Graduate 2001.

After four and a half months I am now a Narconon graduate. When I got here I was in total apathy about life and everything else. After completing the sauna I got my reasoning back and decided to stay for the entire program. This was the single most important decision in my life. Going through the program was trying at times, but it was truly amazing. I feel better than I remember feeling as a child. The program gave me back a lot of abilities and traits I had let slip or be lost completely. . . The program repaired my life and made me truly happy again. For the first time in many years I am looking forward to life and accomplishing things. I am now ready to actually start my life, and I owe it to Narconon.

Narconon Northern California Graduate 1997.

Before I arrived here I was addicted to heroin and speed, among other drugs. Doing drugs was a part of my daily routine. In fact, it became my daily routine. I not only jeopardized, but sacrificed everything I had going for myself. I went from being an A student to a dropout. I went from a dedicated, spirited person to a beat-up, discouraged and unhappy heroin addict. I isolated from the people that loved me and surrounded myself with people who used me. I went from being proud to being ashamed. It was obvious drugs had weakened and defeated me. I realized since being here that I made the decision to let that happen and in the same way I could decide to become drug-free and rebuild a life for myself I could respect and enjoy. Since making this decision I have reestablished a life for myself. I have self-respect and pride. Most importantly, I look forward to everyday without the burdens of addiction and with clear eyes and a clear head. I have an amazing life because I have freed myself from my drug use. And this is only the beginning.

Narconon Northern California Graduate 2001.

My name is Brandan, Im 22 years old, and I used to use cocaine, smoke weed, and was very much an alcoholic. I was drinking everyday for over 2 1/2 years. A doctor told me I did permanent nerve damage from drinking, and I still have the shakes. I have been clean now for five months, and I will continue on this track for the rest of my life... I feel blessed that the Narconon program saved my life and I have learned to live life, instead of letting my enviroment have a negative effect on me.

Narconon Northern California Graduate 2002.

This program gave me more than I ever expected. I learned to be honest with myself in order to like myself. This program gives anyone the tools they need to survive as long as you use the technology. This has truly changed my life and I will never forget my experiences here. Use this technology and respect it, it works.

Narconon Northern California Graduate 2001.

My name is Tony Bonifasi, I am 22 years old and I was a student at Cactus Shadows High School from 1993-1997. I was an All State athlete and a good student, and then I started to do drugs and alcohol. I began using heavily in my junior year and that is when things started to go down hill. I quit going to school, my life was going no where. I started going house to house just to have a place to sleep. I started using and stealing from my friends. I was depending on other people to eat and for money. I started to lose friends by the minute.

I graduated in '98 from Metrotech Vocational INstitute in Central PHoenix. Still using drugs, I was working dead end jobs just to get by. Then I moved in with my mother. I was using her for all she was worth. I didn't care, I just wanted to get high and get drunk. Finally, I got kicked out and I was on my own again, using my family and what friends I had left. A lot of the time I was sleeping on the streets. Then I met a girl, and moved in with her. Still doing drugs and drinking a lot of alcohol, she left me after a 2 year relationship. I had hit rock bottom. Living with people I didn't even know, anything it took just to get that high, or have that one beer.

On October 23, 2001, I was living at my cousin's house in Scottsdale. It had been a day full of smoking pot and drinking vodka. I decided to take over 100 tylenol PMs to try to kill myself. I felt I could do nothing with my life. I felt there was nothing I could do to change. I was in the intensive care unit for three days, and then was transferred to a psychiatric facility to be kept under observation for five days. While staying there, my Father came and visited me, and begged me to get help for my addiction. I gave in and flew to Narconon of Northern California. I have been here since then, changing life completely. I have become a person who loves his life and actually wants to be alive.

I have learned to confront my issues in life, and ways to live a happier life. Going through the sauna I sweated out all the drugs in my body, from Tylenol to methamphetamine, its all out of my body and now I have a clear body and a clear mind. The Narconon Program has changed my life in so many ways, I love this place so much I have chosen to work here after I am done with the program.

I went from being a good student and the captain of the track and cross-country team, to a drug and alcohol abuser, to the happiest person I have ever been. Coming here is the best decision I've ever made, I hope others can make the same choice.

-Tony Bonifasi
Narconon Northern California Graduate 2002.

Three and a half months ago, when I arrived at The Narconon Program, I was completely out of control of my life - physically, mentally, and spiritually. In my mind there was little or no hope for me. Im not ever sure if I cared what happened to me. After going through the program I am overwhelmed by the positive changes in my life. I have never been so in charge of my, I have never felt so positive about my life. I now have goals and I am ready to pursue them without the use of drugs. I now have the tools to confront my addiction, the knowledge to help others to confront theirs, and the desire to live my life my way, as a responsible, caring individual who has to offer to whom ever wants it. This program gave my life back to me. It wasn't easy, it took alot of determination and sacrifice. In the end though, it all paid off - after all, what is a persons life worth? I will never take my life or anyone else's life for granted again.

Narconon Northern California Graduate 1997.

©2002 Narconon of Northern California. All rights reserved. Narconon and the the Narconon logo are trademarks and service marks owned by the Association for Better Living and Education International and are used with its permission.

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