Narconon Northern California. Drug Rehabilitation and Education Services for over a Decade. | | | | | |

Alternative Sentencing and Court Liaison

The State of California is undergoing major changes in drug policy and in light of the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act of 2000, otherwise known as Prop 36, California Courts are looking much more leniently on offenders who admit their need for treatment. With the passing of Prop 36, Narconon Northern California has taken a proactive stance on the issues at hand and has been working with local and state courts to help our clients get the full benefit of new drug policy.

We offer drug testing, progress reporting, liaison with legal professionals and transport to and from court. We want our clients to truly begin a new life, by helping them confront and handle their pending obligations to the courts. Experience has shown that those drug offenders who get effective, long term rehabilitation in addition to supervised or informal probation after completion have a markedly lower rate of recidivism than offenders who receive jail time and/ or no rehabiltiation services.

Under Section 3(a) of the act initiated by Prop 36, The State of California agrees and intends "To enhance public safety by reducing drug-related crime and preserving jails and prison cells for serious and violent offenders, and to improve public health by reducing drug abuse and drug dependence through proven and effective drug treatment strategies. . . "

In the spirit of the act Narconon has proven an effective means by which the intention of this act can be accomplished. Below are a summary of evaluations from Drug Reversion Surveys of Narconon Graduates.

  • The California Department of Corrections reported on 19 inmates who had participated in the Narconon Program. 17 had been paroled. 12 of these were reported as clean (70%). Of the 5 remaining, 2 were not found, 2 had been arrested and one had been suspended from the program for Cocaine use.

  • The California Istitute for Women reported on 25 Narconon clients. 23 had been paroled. 18 of these were clean (78%). Of the remaining, 3 were parolees at large and 2 had been re-arrested.

  • Overall, approximately 73% of the Narconon students released from prison remained clean while on parole.

If you would like more information on our ability to help with pending legal problems please call me today.

William F. Pritchard
Legal Liaison

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last updated November 19, 2001 1:58 PM
[email protected]