Phase I
Drug Free Withdrawal
the "Drug-Free" Withdrawal stage, a Withdrawal Specialist
administers to the client, who is trained in different techniques
to help the person cope with the withdrawal period. These techniques
involve the use of a Vitamin regime supplemented with amino acids
and minerals. During this stage "assists" are
also incorporated to help get the individual oriented with his/her
environment, to get them in communication with the body's natural
healing processes and to deliver the person from the constant obsession
to use that is common in the withdrawing drug addict.
Communications Course
an addict first begins to recover from their condition, they are
withdrawn, have a low ability to confront and are generally incapable
of dealing with the honest realities of life itself. When not able
to escape with the " apparent solution" that drugs
and alcohol seemed to provide, their ability to communicate is severely
teach the recovering person to begin communicating on a basic level,
we teach them eight training routines (TRs), enabling them to become
less introverted and able to communicate with their peers.
New Life Detoxification Program
this step of Phase I the client undergoes a precise schedule of
vitamin and mineral supplementation, exercise and daily time in
our sauna facility. This is the second stage in successfully withdrawing
the client from drugs and alcohol. This process helps the client
to sweat out the drug residuals and metabolites stored in the body's
fatty tissue. This, as discussed earlier, is absolutely vital in
the successful long-term rehabilitation of the client.
©2002 Narconon of Northern
California. All rights reserved. Narconon and the the Narconon logo
are trademarks and service marks owned by the Association for Better
Living and Education International and are used with its permission.